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This statement can be embedded in an application program or issued interactively.


To execute this command, users must either be the owner of the referenced stogroup, or possess SYSADM or SYSCTRL authority for the location.


ALTER STOGROUP stogroup-name 
    [PASSWORD password] 
    [ADD VOLUMES (volume-id[,...])] 
    [REMOVE VOLUMES (volume-id[,...])]


stogroup-name Identifies the stogroup to be altered. The stogroup identified must exist within the currently set XDB Server location.
volume-id Refers to the volume serial number of a mainframe storage volume.


ALTER STOGROUP allows users to add and remove logical volume ID designations from an existing stogroup. The XDB Server also records any mainframe assigned password in the location catalog tables (DB2 mode).


This option is utilized in the mainframe-DB2 environment. Any password parameter values are recorded in the catalog tables for the current XDB Server location.

ADD VOLUMES (volume-id,...) or ADD VOLUMES('*',...)

XDB records the volumes added to a stogroup in the catalog tables for that location. One or more volume-id numbers (corresponding to volume serial numbers) can be specified in this clause, each with a maximum of six characters (specified as an identifier or a string constant).

A volume-id must not be specified if any volume of the storage group is designated by an asterisk (*). An asterisk must not be specified if any volume of the storage group is designated by a volume-id.

You cannot add a volume that is already in the storage group unless you first remove it with REMOVE VOLUMES.

REMOVE VOLUMES (volume-id,...) or REMOVE VOLUMES('*',...)

XDB Server can associate up to 133 volumes with one stogroup. The REMOVE VOLUMES option removes one or more volumes (identified by volume-id) associated with the storage group. The XDB Server applies the REMOVE VOLUMES clause to the current list of stogroup volumes, before applying any ADD VOLUMES clauses.

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