Micro FocusĀ Studio Enterprise EditionĀ for Windows
Mainframe Programming
IMS Support
IMSDBU Utility
IMSDBU Functions
IMSDBU Functions Overview
IMSDBU provides the following functions:
The Add Function
Adds segments to a database.
The Delete Function
Deletes the work file.
The Load Function
Initializes and loads an input file.
The Makelist Function
Generates a logical database load.
The PtrUpdate Function
Updates the logical child pointers.
The Reorganize Function
Reorganizes a database.
The Runlist Function
Executes a command file.
The Unload Function
Unloads a database.
The Useq Function
Unloads DEDB sequential dependents.
The Zeroload Function
Initializes a database.
Parent topic:
IMSDBU Utility