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Using the FaultFinder Listing Generator

You can create a snapshot using the FaultFinder Listing Generator, which provides information in the form of a detailed listing file.

To create a listing file:

  1. Compile the program for debug
  2. Run the fflst command

To run the FaultFinder Listing Generator, use the command:

fflst options filename [listfile]

where the parameters are:

Specifies the level of detail in the FaultFinder listing. options can be any combination of:

If you specify no options, the Listing Generator produces the full source, data map, procedure map and cross-reference listing. For details of these listings, see below.

s Suppresses the source listing
d Suppresses the data map listing
-p Suppresses the procedure map listing
-x Suppresses the cross reference listing
-ln Specifies a page size of n lines. The default is 66 lines
-v Verbose output with version information
The name of the .idy file to be processed. You do not have to specify the .idy file extension as this is the default file type.
The name of the file to which the listing is saved. If you do not specify this parameter, the listing is directed to the screen.
Note: The FaultFinder Listing Generator always uses the .idy file, not the COBOL source file.

For example, if you have a program appsource.cbl, the following command generates a full listing minus any cross-reference information in the listing file appsource.ffl:

cobol appsource.cbl anim;
fflst -x appsource.idy appsource.ffl
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