Micro FocusĀ Studio Enterprise EditionĀ for Windows
General Reference
Mainframe Reference
IMS Support
IMS Error Messages
PSB Error Messages
Messages PSBUT0W01 to PSBUT0W55
Messages PSBUT0W01 to PSBUT0W55
PSBUT0W01W MFIMS statement continuation overflow, extras ignored. Maximum number of lines per statement is %2%
PSBUT0W02W Only one level of nested copy statements supported by MFIMS, further nested COPYs ignored
PSBUT0W03W PCB(%3%), GSAM PCB %8 has MFIMS RECLEN of zero
PSBUT0W04W PCB(%3%), GSAM PCB %8, RECLEN operand truncated to 32768
PSBUT0W05W PCB(%3%) %8, SENSEG %8, SSPTR operand ignored. MFIMS does not support the SSPTR operand for DEDBs
PSBUT0W06W PCB(%3%) %8, SENSEG %8, INDICES operand ignored, not supported by MFIMS
PSBUT0W07W PCB(%3%) %8, SENSEG %8, VIRFLD statement ignored, not supported by MFIMS
PSBUT0W08W PCB(%3%), SENSEG %8, SENFLD %8, DOS/VS SENFLD keywords of BYTES, TYPE or RTNAME ignored, not supported by MFIMS. This message suppressed for other occurrences
PSBUT0W09W PCB(%3%), ALTRESP=YES not supported by MFIMS, changed to ALTRESP=NO
PSBUT0W10W PCB(%3%), VIEW=MSDB not supported by MFIMS, changed to VIEW=DEDB
PSBUT0W11W Unknown statement "%8" ignored, unsupported by MFIMS
PSBUT0W12W Comment line continuation has non-blanks in columns 1-15, assumed blank by MFIMS: %15%
PSBUT0W51W PCB (%3%), DBD %8 not Genned, access will result in 476 abend
PSBUT0W52W PCB (%3%) %8, SENFLD statements not verified, physical DBD not Genned with MFIMS Version 2.5 or later
PSBUT0W53W PCB (%3%) %8, KEYLEN operand value %3 is less than concatenated key length %3
PSBUT0W54W PCB (%3%) %8, logical parent database %8 not Genned, access may produce unpredictable results
PSBUT0W55W No DBDs have been genned
Parent topic:
PSB Error Messages