Micro FocusĀ Studio Enterprise EditionĀ for Windows
General Reference
Mainframe Reference
IMS Support
IMS Error Messages
MFS Error Messages
Messages MFSUT0401 to MFSUT0431
Messages MFSUT0401 to MFSUT0431
MFSUT0401W MSG %8 has invalid OPT=%1, defaulting to OPT=1
MFSUT0402W Cannot specify FILL on input MSG, FILL ignored
MFSUT0403W Cannot specify PAGE on input MSG, PAGE ignored
MFSUT0405W MFLD LTH operand missing, defaulting to LTH=0001. MFLD: %50%
MFSUT0406W EXIT ignored, only input MFLDs can use field exits. MFLD: %50%
MFSUT0407W MFLD literals cannot specify ATTR=YES, ATTR=NO assumed. MFLD literal: %45%
MFSUT0408W EXIT ignored, MFLD literals cannot use field exits. MFLD literal: %45%
MFSUT0409W ATTR=YES only valid when MFLD names DFLD, ATTR=NO assumed
MFSUT0410W MSG(%8), SEG GRAPHIC not YES or NO, assumed YES
MFSUT0411W MSG(%8), EXIT ignored, only input messages can use segment exits
MFSUT0412W MOD LPAGE's COND operand missing, assuming last LPAGE of set
MFSUT0413W MSG(%8), MSGEND statement missing, assumed present
MFSUT0414W No STACK is on to issue STACK OFF
MFSUT0415W MFLD's DFLD name in DO truncated to 6 characters
MFSUT0416W Initial cursor position defaulting to row 1, column 2
MFSUT0417W LABEL ignored, labeled DFLDs should not have PASSWORD
MFSUT0418W DFLD label in DO truncated to 6 characters
MFSUT0419W Recommended END statement missing, assumed present
MFSUT0420W ENDDO statement missing, assumed present
MFSUT0421W FMTEND statement missing, assumed present
MFSUT0422W MFLD JUST operand invalid with system literal %8. JUST operand ignored for MFLD %19
MFSUT0423W MFLD ATTR operand invalid with system literal %8. ATTR operand ignored for MFLD %19
MFSUT0424W MFLD LTH operand invalid with system literal %8. LTH operand ignored for MFLD %19
MFSUT0425W OPCTL operand ignored, not valid with literal DFLDs
MFSUT0426W MOD(%8), LPAGE(%3%) contains no MFLDs, this MOD/LPAGE bypassed
MFSUT0427W MOD(%8), MID(%8), DPAGE(%8), could not find MID for MOD/LPAGE selected or MID contains no MFLDs or all MIDs specified LPAGE and no SOR stated this DPAGE
MFSUT0428W FMT name %8 greater than 6 characters, truncated to 6 possibly causing duplicates
MFSUT0429W EGCS "G" literal missing an SO or SI character. Literal assumed to contain valid SO/SI pair. Card: %50%
MFSUT0430W EGCS "G" literal contains odd number of bytes, literal accepted as specified. Card: %50%
MFSUT0431W Invalid DFLD ATTR value "%8" ignored
Parent topic:
MFS Error Messages