Micro FocusĀ Studio Enterprise EditionĀ for Windows
General Reference
Mainframe Reference
IMS Support
IMS Error Messages
DBD Error Messages
Messages DBDUT0401 to DBDUT0417
Messages DBDUT0401 to DBDUT0417
DBDUT0401W More than one DBD macro present, all but the first ignored
DBDUT0402W DBD RMNAME operand invalid with ACCESS %8, RMNAME ignored
DBDUT0403W More than one DBDGEN statement present, all but the first ignored
DBDUT0404W Unknown keyword, %8 for %8, ignored
DBDUT0405W DBDGEN statement appeared before %8 macro
DBDUT0406W Field TYPE=H (Halfword), assumed to be two bytes long
DBDUT0407W Field TYPE=F (Fullword), assumed to be four bytes long
DBDUT0408W DATASET SCAN operand is invalid for ACCESS %8, SCAN ignored
DBDUT0409W DATASET FRSPC operand is invalid for ACCESS %8, FRSPC ignored
DBDUT0410W Exceeded maximum of 10 DATASET macros with operands
DBDUT0411W Label %8, only the first DATASET with a common label can contain operands
DBDUT0412W DATASET contains no operands but label %8 not previously defined
DBDUT0413W Duplicate DATASET DDNAME %8 in DD1, DD2, or OVFLW
DBDUT0414W Label %8, DD1 %8, previous DATASET group contains no segments
DBDUT0415W SEGM macro not preceded by DATASET macro. DATASET is required for access type: %8
DBDUT0416W Incorrect RULES specified for sequential dependent segment %8, FIRST rules assumed
DBDUT0417W Missing required DBDGEN macro statement, assumed present
Parent topic:
DBD Error Messages