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Specifies the filename extension of the copybook that the Compiler is to look for if a filename in a COPY statement is specified without an extension.


                             V               |
   +-/-+                      +-,-extension-+


extension A filename extension.


Default: COPYEXT"cbl,CPY"
Phase: Syntax check
$SET: Initial


Up to eight extensions can be specified, each extension being up to 10 characters long. A null extension is used to represent an extension of spaces; for example:


If the filename specified in a COPY statement has no extension or trailing period then the list of possible extensions is tried in turn until a file is sucessfully found or the list is exhausted (and an error reported).

If you have many COPY statements that do not specify an extension, using COPYEXT can improve the compilation speed of your program. For example, if all of your copybooks have the filename extension .cpy, specifying COPYEXT"CPY,CBL" would avoid unnecessary file access attempts.

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