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Test Coverage Error Messages

Note: This applies to native COBOL only.
TC001S No input results file specified
TCREPORT or TCSCAN executed but no results file is named in the parameters.
TC004S Too many program / timestamp combinations
TCREPORT has encountered too many programs with the same name but different timestamps to be able to generate different file name suffixes for all of them.
TC005S Unable to open program source file
TCREPORT was processing a results file and was unable to open the associated source.
TC006S Unable to open output report file
TCREPORT or TCSCAN was unable to open the named report file - it might be protected or locked for use by another process.
TC007S Unable to open output text file
TCREPORT was unable to open the named text file - it might be protected or locked for use by another process.
TC008S Unable to open output index file
TCREPORT was unable to open the named text file - it might be protected or locked for use by another process.
TC009S The version number on the results file is invalid
TESTCOVER writes a version number to the results file which is checked by TCREPORT to ensure compatibility. This error indicates that the results file was written by a version of TESTCOVER that is incompatible with the version of TCREPORT that is reading it.
TC010S Unable to open results file
TCREPORT was unable to open the named file - it might be protected or locked for use by another process.
TC012I NOHTML and NOTEXT specified - nothing to do
If neither NOHTML nor NOTEXT is specified in TCREPORT, no reports are produced.
TC014S Invalid option entered
One or more of the command line options entered in TCREPORT or TCSCAN was invalid. Re-enter the command.
TC018I Severe error encountered
This information message indicates that a severe error was encountered which prevented the program running to normal completion. It will be accompanied by a further message giving more specific details.
TC021S Timestamp mismatch
TESTCOVER timestamp check has detected a program has been canceled, and a different one of the same name reloaded.
TC022S Version number from calling program is invalid
When the user application program is run, it calls TESTCOVER to log statement execution, and passes a version number which TESTCOVER checks to ensure compatibility. This error indicates that the version numbers do not match. Ensure that the product is properly installed, and that all current FixPacks have been applied.
TC034E IDY/Results timestamp mismatch
TCREPORT was unable to find an IDY file with the correct timestamp. Recompile and rerun the program with the TESTCOVER option.
TC035E IDY/Results program not compiled with TESTCOVER
The TCREPORT user program was not compiled with the TESTCOVER option set. Recompile and rerun the program with the TESTCOVER option.
TC037E IDY/Result inconsistency
There is an inconsistency between the IDY and GNL files, in that each shows the program with a different number of code blocks. You need to recompile and re-run.
TC040E missing idy - file, no source available
TCREPORT cannot open the IDY file. It might have been deleted or locked by another process. Free the file or recreate it by recompiling the program and rerunning.
TC043S Unable to open Trace file
Internal error.
TC052S Unable to open the configuration file
The configuration file named in the TESTCOVER environment variable cannot be read. Correct the environment variable or create the configuration file.

System Errors

If you receive any of the following errors, try rerunning with more memory available. Otherwise, contact Micro Focus.

  • TC002S System error null link list pointer
  • TC003S System error - Unable to get current directory
  • TC011S System error Memory alloc failed
  • TC013S system error - Parsing failed
  • TC015S System error - File list allocation failed
  • TC016S System error - Summary list allocation fail
  • TC017S System error - Suffix list alloc fail
  • TC020S SYSTEM error - null caller program pointer
  • TC015S System error - File list allocation failed
  • TC016S System error - Summary list allocation fail
  • TC017S System error - Suffix list alloc fail
  • TC044S System error - CDI2 cannot find program
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