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Configuring the CTG Client

The CTG needs to know which machine the server program is running on.

You specify this using the CTG configuration tool. Alternatively, you can edit the CTG configuration file ctg.ini (or cicscli.ini for Universal Client) on the client machine.

To configure the CTG client for the demonstration:

  1. Start the CTG configuration tool, which is available, by default, on the Windows Start menu as IBM CICS Transaction Gateway > Configuration Tool.
  2. Add a new server for the client and set the following options:
    Server name name for the enterprise server, such as myCICSserver
    Network protocol TCP/IP
    Hostname or IP address name of the machine running enterprise server
    Port port number to listen on, which must be the same as the port number you specify for the Enterprise Server listener, later. The port number defaults to 1435, which is the IANA recognized port number for IBM CICS.

    Only the server name and hostname or IP address is mandatory.

  3. Save the configuration and close the tool
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