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Application Properties for Native COBOL

The Application property page for native COBOL projects lets you specify properties such as the name of the file to build and entry point for the application.
Output name
Defines the name of the target file to be built. By default, this is the same as the project name.
Output type
Defines the type of project to be built. This is one of:
  • Console Application - defines a console application (always an .exe)
  • Link Library - defines a library project such as a collection of shareable classes (always a .dll)
  • Windows Application - defines a windows application
This is initialized depending on the type of new project you create.
Entry point
Defines the method entry of the application, for .exe-based projects. If no entry name is specified for a Console or Windows application (.exe type), the first static method in the first program (in OO code) or the first procedure division (in procedural code) becomes the main entry point. The name needs to be the full method name as defined in the Program-ID (in order to include the namespace).
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