We need to create a condition for each of our interface fields that prevents them from receiving null values from the application.
- From the Mapping pane, right-click ElementKey(*), then click Apply Condition on the popup menu.
- In the New Name field, type KeyNotNull, then click Create.
- From the Field drop-down list, click RETURN-GRP1.FLD0015Grp(14).
- In the Field field, replace the 14 with an asterisk to represent all occurrences.
- From the Operator drop-down list, click >=.
- In the Field or Literal value field, type " " (double-quote followed by a space and another double-quote); then click OK to close the Condition Editor, and OK again to close the Apply Condition dialog box.
This condition mandates that only data that has a value greater than or equal to a space can be moved from RETURN-GRP1.FLD0015Grp(*) to ElementKey(*). We need to apply a similar condition to the other mapping.
- From the Mapping pane, right-click ElementValue(*), then click Apply Condition on the popup menu.
Because the condition we're creating here is so similar to the condition we created for ElementKey, we can use the condition we created for ElementKey as a starting point.
- From the Existing Condition drop-down list, click KeyNotNull.
- In the New Name field, type ValueNotNull, then click Create.
- From the Field drop-down list, click RETURN-GRP1.FLD0016Grp(14).
- In the Field field, replace the 14 with an asterisk to represent all occurrences.
The rest of the condition definition is the same as for KeyNotNull and is already populated in the appropriate fields.
- Click OK to close the Condition Editor; then click OK to return to the Service Interfaces Editor.
The Condition column in the Mappings pane now shows the conditions you defined.
- Save the service interface without exiting the Service Interfaces Editor.