The OpenESQL preprocessor provides two preprocessor options - ODBC for native code and
ADO for .NET managed code.
- Use OpenESQL with the ODBC option to compile your native applications. This option:
- Is invoked using the SQL(DBMAN=ODBC) compiler directive
- Uses any ODBC drivers and data providers
- Connects to one or more ODBC data sources
- Compiles applications to communicate with the OpenESQL Native Runtime
- Enables maximum interoperability between different database systems
- Provides comprehensive support for pessimistic (locking) concurrency control
- Does not support disconnected or offline DataSets
- Use OpenESQL with the ADO option to compile your .NET managed applications. This option:
- Is invoked using the SQL(DBMAN=ADO) compiler directive
- Uses ADO.NET data providers
- Connects to one ADO.NET data source
- Compiles applications to communicate with the OpenESQL Managed Runtime
- Enables EXEC SQL statements to communicate with the ADO.NET data provider and data source name specified
- Supports the use of EXEC ADO statements to create and manipulate ADO.NET objects
- Maximizes scalability of data handling components in distributed systems
- Is strongly biased in favour of optimistic (non-locking) concurrency control
- Fully supports disconnected and offline DataSets
- Supports dynamic SQL using PREPARE, EXECUTE and EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statements and cursors that use prepared statements, but only with host variable lists in the EXECUTE and OPEN statements