Unicode large character strings (DBCLOB) enable you to store large amounts of Unicode data in columns.
Host Variable Formats
- OpenESQL and DB2 ECM
01 dbclob2.
49 dbclob2-len PIC S9(9) COMP-5.
49 dbclob2-data PIC N(32000) USAGE NATIONAL.
- OpenESQL
- The following definition is also valid:
01 dbclob1 SQL TYPE IS DBCLOB(2M).
- OpenESQL native support is limited to handling 65000 bytes.
- The
dbclob1 format uses the DBCLOB SQL TYPE.
- OpenESQL .NET Managed Runtime
- In addition to the definitions valid for OpenESQL, the following definition is also valid for the OpenESQL .NET Managed Runtime:
01 dbclob3 string.
OpenESQL .NET Managed Runtime applications have no byte limit.