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Demonstration Programs for CTG

This chapter uses the application to demonstrate how to set up the client and server software.

To follow the examples in this chapter, you need the following software installed:

If you want to deploy to UNIX, you need, in addition, Server Express version 4.0, Service Pack 1 or later with MSS with the following parts installed:

The CTG demonstration programs are supplied with Net Express in the Examples\Net Express IDE\mto-ctg directory of your Net Express the directory \mfe\mfcics\source They are:
A Net Express project file for the COBOL programs.
A server program that you run under Server Enterprise Edition. It consists of a CICS program that writes a data area to the system console. This transaction program performs a WRITE OPERATOR command on the field ECI-DEMO-MESSAGE using the text passed in the DFHCOMMAREA. If the WRITE OPERATOR command fails, the EIBRESP and EIBRESP2 values are passed back to the calling program in the fields ECI-ERROR-EIBRESP and ECI-ERROR-EIBRESP2.
A client program that you run under Server Enterprise Edition. This batch program has three main parts:
  • initialise-eci-interface set-up-eci-call - Sets up an entry point to the module CCLAPI32 dfhtexst that handles the calling of the ECI.
  • call-eci-program - Calls CCLAPI32 dfhtexst and passes it the data area and program name to run. The following fields from the ECI-PARMS structure are worth noting:
    • eci-program - The name of the program to be run by Server Enterprise Edition .
    • eci-commarea-pptr - A pointer to the data area to be passed to and from Server Enterprise Edition .
    • eci-error-id - If the program completes successfully this contains a value of 0. If unsuccessful it contains the value of an error condition described in the IBM publication CICS Transaction Gateway Programming Reference SC34-6140-00.
  • display-eci-error - Checks for any error conditions returned by the program running under Server Enterprise Edition or by CCLAPI32 dfhtexst . If errors occur in the eci2oper program, they are returned in EIBRESP and EIBRESP2. Note, this is not a general requirement, but is part of the implementation of the demonstration program.
The data conversion macros needed by the demonstration application.
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