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DD Statement Extensions

Lists each DD statement extension and provides a description of each.
DD Statement Extensions
%PCDSN=pcdatasetname When creating a new dataset, specify a data file on the local PC for a new dataset that you want to associate with the z/OS dataset name.
  • If you omit this parameter, Server Enterprise Edition generates a PC filename automatically.
  • This parameter is valid only with new data sets (i.e., DISP=NEW and DISP=MOD that is new), and is ignored for old data sets (i.e., DISP=OLD, DISP=SHR, DSIP=MOD that is old).
  • If necessary, enclose pcdatasetname in single quotes.
  • If the filename specified for pcdatasetnamecontains spaces, enclose the name in double quotes (").
  • The specified filename cannot exceed 256 characters, including all characters between single quotes and including double quotes that enclose the PC filename.
YES Upload the dataset referenced by the DD
NO Do not upload the dataset referenced by the DD
AUTO Have the system make the determination whether or not to upload the dataset (default)
YES Download the dataset referenced by the DD
NO Do not download the dataset referenced by the DD
AUTO Have the system make the determination whether or not to download the dataset (default)
ALL Upload or download the entire PDS referenced by the DD
ONLY Upload or download only the PDS member referenced by the DD
Note: This option is ignored if the dataset is not a PDS.
%CHARSET={EBCDIC | ASCII} RJSE only. Specify the character set for a new dataset. By default, the character set is the same as the character set of the system.
Note: This parameter is for Micro Focus internal use only unless justified otherwise.
%LSEQRECF={V | VB | F | FB} Specify the appropriate host record format for the uploaded RECFM=LSEQ dataset.
V Upload as RECFM=V dataset
VB Upload as RECFM=VB dataset
F Upload as RECFM=F dataset
FB Upload as RECFM=FB dataset (default)
Note: We strongly advise that you set LRECL for local LSEQ datasets to a valid value other than 0. When the LRECL value is 0, the system assumes a host dataset LRECL of 80 for F and FB, or 255 for V and VB, and issues a warning message. This could lead to other failures.
%RELATED={[YES | NO | AUTO)} RJSE only. Specifies whether to move the dataset from one location to another. This must be specified on the DD statement if the same dataset exists on the host as well as the PC. The two datasets with the same name are presumed to be not related to each other and may contain different contents. The host dataset is used only by jobs running on the host and the PC dataset is used only by jobs running locally.
YES Move the dataset from one location to another
NO Never move the dataset from one location to another (default)
AUTO Have the system make the determination whether or not to move the dataset
Important: Causes all other RJSE-related DD parameters to be ignored.


%PCDSN Example 1

//            DISP=(NEW,CATLG),SPACE=(TRK,1),LRECL=80,
//            RECFM=F,DSORG=PS

The specified filename contains spaces and therefore requires double quotes.

%PCDSN Example 2

Assign a PC physical filename to a data set you are creating using JCL:

//            DISP=(NEW,CATLG),SPACE=(TRK,1)
  • The string <CATALOGFOLDER>, written exactly as shown, means the folder containing the catalog.
  • The single quotes surrounding the value are required here because the value contains lower-case characters and greater-than and less-than signs (<>) and therefore does not conform to JCL syntax rules.

%PCDSN Example 3

Create a dynamic PDS:

//            DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=123,DSORG=PO) 
//*MFE:       %PCDSN=C:\DPDS\*.DAT

This creates TEST.DYN1 as a dynamic PDS whose members are files in the directory C:\DPDS with the extension .DAT. The data set organization must be PO.


//              ACCT=(‘ACCOUNT INFO’),
//              PARM=’parameter string’

%CHARSET Example

//            DISP=(NEW,CATLG),SPACE=(TRK,1)

%TYPEXEC Example

//              PARM='parameter string'
//*MFE:         %TYPEXEC=HOST

This indicates that this step is to be executed on the host system.

%RELATED Example

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