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Update to Visual COBOL 2010 Enterprise Option

Visual COBOL 2010 Enterprise Option delivers functionality for developing and maintaining managed code CICS applications, and for running these applications. It also provides scale out solution and architecture for the cloud

Micro Focus Visual COBOL Enterprise Option consists of:

This release provides improvements in the following areas:

User Interface
The following enhancements are available:
  • Copy/Paste support. Multiple nodes can now be selected.
  • Non-administrators are now able to run the MMC UI.
  • Ability to create, edit and delete resource definition files residing in the cross-region database.
  • Transaction programs and BMS maps can now be deployed to the cross-region and/or custom database from the MMC UI. Previously this could only be achieved by using the seedeploy command-line tool.
  • Regions can now be started and stopped on a remote machine. Previously regions could only be started and stopped on the same machine that the MMC UI, or seestart command-line tool, was running on.
  • Region startup and resource definition files can now be deployed to the cross-region database. These files can be edited in situ using the MMC UI's configuration file editors
  • Cmdlets are provided to allow CICS regions to be started, stopped and monitored with PowerShell scripts.
  • seeupgrade utility introduced to allow the upgrading of region startup and resource definition files to the current product release level.
When migrating applications, these improvements simplify the deployment and administration of scaled-out regions. Deploying files to a central database location helps minimize the risk of file version conflicts in scaled-out regions.
CICS applications can now run under the identity of the signed-on Windows user. As the OS controls access to system resources, some application actions, such as direct (COBOL or system API) file access, will be restricted by the privileges of the signed-on user. Support for single-signon to regions scaled out across multiple machines. Two mechanisms are provided to support this functionality: protocol transition (PT) and credential passing (CP).
When migrating applications, you can use Windows security to control access to system resources to further improve the overall system security.
Improved mainframe compatibility
This ensures you need to make fewer changes to the code and so less risk when migrating applications.
  • The following system programmer APIs are now supported or have been enhanced:
    • INQUIRE PROGRAM (enhanced support)
    • SET PROGRAM (enhanced support)
  • Supplied transactions:
    • CINS (new) - has the same functional level as native Enterprise Server
    • CPMT has been updated to the same functional level as native Enterprise Server
  • The verbosity level of messages written to the system consoled can now be configured. This provides similar functionality to the CICS MSGLVL system initialisation parameter found on the mainframe.
  • PPT entries are now used to determine whether BMS maps are resident or non-resident. Previously all maps were considered to be resident.
  • Application binaries can now be deployed to the cross-region database.
  • Resource definition files can now be deployed to the cross-region database.
System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) integration
A management pack is provided that allows CICS regions to be discovered, and their current state (such as "stopped" or "started"), active SEP pools and running transactions to be monitored.
When Migrating applications, you can use SCOM to monitor the health and state of .NET managed code CICS regions.

See the Visual COBOL 2010 Enterprise Option help for more.

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