Micro FocusĀ Studio Enterprise EditionĀ for Windows
General Reference
Error Messages
Syntax Checking Error Messages
Messages COBCH1601 - COBCH1700
COBCH1601 - COBCH1620
COBCH1601 - COBCH1620
Lists the Syntax Checking error messages from COBCH1601 through COBCH1620.
COBCH1601 Property cannot have parameters
The Procedure Division header within a property-id has parameters specified.
COBCH1602 Indexer must have at least one parameter
The Procedure Division header within an indexer-id does not have a parameter specified.
COBCH1603 No indexer found for class '%1$s'
An instance of a type that does not contain an indexer is being accessed as an array.
COBCH1604 Cannot inherit from interface '%1$s'
The interface that you are trying to inherit does exist, but there is a problem with its construction.
COBCH1605 Entry name '%1$s' reserved for use by Micro Focus
The specified entry point name is reserved for managed COBOL syntax.
COBCH1606 Syntax can only be used with LIST and DICTIONARY items
Certain syntax can only be used on items of type LIST or DICTIONARY.
COBCH1607 Syntax can only be used with DICTIONARY items
Certain syntax can only be used on items of type DICTIONARY.
COBCH1608 Illegal USAGE in this context
The specified USAGE type has been used out of context.
COBCH1609 Property accessor visibility must be stricter than property visibility
The visibility of a GETTER or SETTER phrase is not as strict as the visibility of its containing property.
COBCH1610 Cannot specify visibility on both GETTER and SETTER
Both the GETTER and SETTER phrases of a property specify visibility.
COBCH1611 Can only specify accessor visibility if property has both GETTER and SETTER
The property is missing a GETTER or SETTER phrase due to accessor visibility being specified.
COBCH1612 ACU picture string not supported
You have specified an invalid picture string, for example, a mixture of symbols specified for zero suppression.
COBCH1613 Syntax error error not allowed
A general syntax error has occurred.
COBCH1614 INSPECT TRAILING match item must be single character item
You have specified an invalid TRAILING item in the INSPECT statement; you must specify a single character item.
COBCH1615 ACU statement COPY RESOURCE not supported; statement ignored
The COPY RESOURCE statement is not supported in this COBOL system.
COBCH1616 Can only be used in nested class
You have attempted to use nested-specific syntax in a class that is not nested.
COBCH1617 WITH COMPRESSION or WITH ENCRYPTION are only supported in ACU mode when DATACOMPRESS is off
You have specified the WITH COMPRESSION or WITH ENCRYPTION phrase on a file in a program that also has the DATACOMPRESS Compiler directive set.
You have specified the WITH COMPRESSION or WITH ENCRYPTION phrase on a file that is not an indexed file.
COBCH1619 Must specify one generic parameter
The predefined LIST type must be specified with one generic parameter.
COBCH1620 Must specify two generic parameters
The predefined DICTIONARY type must be specified with two generic parameters.
Parent topic:
Messages COBCH1601 - COBCH1700