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Set Deployment Properties

To ensure that the deployment process runs smoothly, we must set some options that tell the Service Interfaces feature what application server to use and where to find certain files.

  1. From the Solution Explorer, right-click the ProgramEJB service interface; then click Properties.
  2. Be sure that the Application server property is set to JBoss 4.2.3 (J2EE 1.4) (this is the default).
  3. Click the Application files to deploy field, and then click the browse button to add the following files:
    File Location
    bookfile.dat Your Visual Studio project's ProgramEJB folder
    bookfile.idx Your Visual Studio project's ProgramEJB folder
    book.dll Your Visual Studio project's ProgramEJB\bin\x86\debug folder

    These files are copied to the enterprise server when you deploy. The .dll is the executable file you need to debug the service. The .dat and .idx files are the data and index parts of the indexed file accessed by the service.

  4. Click the browse button on the Classpath field and add the following files, all of which are located in your JBoss installation's \server\default\lib folder:
    • jboss-j2ee.jar
    • jboss-jca.jar
    • servlet-api.jar

    These are your EJB connector classes.

  5. Accept the default values for all other fields.
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