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Compile and Link Open PL/I Programs Under JCL

These are the steps to compile and link Open PL/I programs for execution under the control of JCL.

  1. Go back to the command prompt used to start the enterprise server.
  2. Enter the following command:
    mfplx opdemo.pli -deb -defext -mvs -dll -out:c:\Public\Documents\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\Samples\OPEN-PLI\NXOPDEMO\debugopdemo.dllpdemo.dll
    This will compile and link opdemo.pli. Files copy to %PUBLIC%\Documents\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\Samples\OPEN-PLI\NXOPDEMO\debug.
  3. Build opdemo2.pli in the same way, replacing opdemo.pli with opdemo2.pli and opdemo.dll with opdemo2.dll in the command above.
    mfplx opdemo2.pli -deb -defext -mvs -dll -out:c:\nxopdemo\debug\opdemo2.dll
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