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Assembler Properties

The properties you specify on the Assembler page in your project properties apply to the selected configuration.

Assembler Tab

Create debug information
Check this to generate debug information at compile time.
Restriction: There is no interactive debugger for Assembler. It is recommended to use CTF with your Assembler applications to produce CTF (consolidated trace file) output. Note: There is an Assembler generalized trace facility (GTF) available for recording all Assembler instructions executed during a test run. This facility is turned on by the presence of the environment variable GTFFILE= and has various options for the amount of detail wanted in the trace file. Also, note that in an Enterprise Server environment the server running the Assembler modules must be stopped before the trace file can be accessed as the server will open the file for exclusive access.
Generate listing file
Check this to generate a listing file with optional cross-reference listing at compile time.
Create optimized code
Check this if you want the Assembler Compiler to make an extra pass of macro object code to resolve references to addresses. If the compilation of your program involves the execution of many macros, you can reduce the total compilation time by specifying this directive. This sets the OPT compiler directive.
Include cross reference listings
Check this to include cross reference listings when a listing file is created at compile time.
Mark module as reentrant
This has the same effect as marking code as serially reusable. Equivalent to setting the REENTRANT Compiler directive which controls reentrancy of a multithreading program. If you check this, many program areas are dynamically allocated, so that it is safe to have multiple copies of the program running.
Additional directives
Type here any additional directives that will be applied at compile time.
Check EXEC CICS to specify whether the module includes EXEC CICS commands that need to be preprocessed. Note that if an Assembler copybook includes EXEC CICS commands you must perform some additional steps. The available EXEC CICS options are:
Insert standard prolog machine (DFHEIENT, DFHEIEND, DFHEISTG)
Check this to insert DFHEIENT, DFHEIEND, and DFHEISTG macros in the EXEC CICS code.
Insert standard epilog macro (DFHEIRET)
Check this to insert DFHEIRET macro in the EXEC CICS code.
Unsupported function handling
Specify how to unsupported CICS functions are handled in Assembler.
Unsupported option handling
Specify how to unsupported CICS options are handled in Assembler.
Automatically link module
Check this when you link a single standalone Assembler module.
Auto-link options
  • Mark load module as serially reusable - Check this to prevent reloading of the module each time it is called.
  • Resolve external calls at link time - To link multiple Assembler modules where all the calls reference the external names of the called modules, you need to ensure that Automatically link module and Resolve external calls at link time are checked for the main module (the calling module) and unchecked for the called modules
  • Addressing mode or AMODE - indicates the memory requirements of an Assembler program. AMODE governs the type of addresses the program uses.

    There are two AMODE values:

    • AMODE(24) indicates 24-bit (three-byte) addressing - memory below the line.
    • AMODE(31) indicates 31-bit addressing - memory above and below the line.

    This product supports values of 24 and 31 for AMODE, since it emulates both types of addressing by mapping mainframe-style above and below the line addresses to real 32-bit PC memory addresses. An AMODE (24) program can only access memory below the line, while an AMODE(31) program can access memory both below and above the line.

  • Residency mode or an RMODE - indicates the memory requirements of an Assembler program. RMODE indicates where the program must be located when it is loaded for execution.

    There are two RMODE values:

    • RMODE(24) indicates that the program must be loaded into memory below the line.
    • RMODE(31) indicates that the program can be loaded either below or above the line.
  • Linker output - Specify what type of load module is to be produced, an executable code file or a data table.
Use pre-assembled macros
Check this to use a valid pre-processed macro file (.mpc) that might be found in your project directory as input to the assembly phase, rather than running the macro pre-process phase. If a valid .mpc file is not found or one is found but it predates the corresponding macro source file, compile the macro from source and save it as an .mpc file for future use. This setting is equivalent to setting the MPC Compiler directive.
Create Assembler Analysis Tool (AAT) information
Check this to generate reports from the Assembler Analysis Tool (AAT) during the Assembler compilation. These reports are files that assist in the analysis of Assembler programs. Equivalent to setting the AAT directive.
&SYSPARM substitution value
For the Assembler programs in your project that need SYSPARM settings, type the value that you wish to be substituted for occurrences of &SYSPARM in user macros. Provide a value for $SYSPARM, which is a variable that can be used within an Assembler module to determine which parts of the code to assemble.
Build settings
A read-only field that shows all Assembler Compiler directives that are set for your project at the compile phase.

Linker Tab

Create debug information
Check this to create debug information when linking the code.
Restriction: There is no interactive debugger for Assembler. It is recommended to use CTF with your Assembler applications to produce CTF (consolidated trace file) output. Note: There is an Assembler generalized trace facility (GTF) available for recording all Assembler instructions executed during a test run. This facility is turned on by the presence of the environment variable GTFFILE= and has various options for the amount of detail wanted in the trace file. Also, note that in an Enterprise Server environment the server running the Assembler modules must be stopped before the trace file can be accessed as the server will open the file for exclusive access.
Mark load module as reentrant
Check this to mark that the load module to link is reentrant.
Mark load module as serially reusable
Check this to prevent reloading of the module each time it is called.
Resolve external calls at link time
Check this when you link multiple Assembler modules where all the calls reference the external names of the called modules. Uncheck this if you want to link modules dynamically at run-time.
Generate listing file
Check this to generate a listing file with optional cross-reference listing during the link phase.
Addressing mode
Also known as AMODE. Indicates the memory requirements of an Assembler program. AMODE governs the type of addresses the program uses.

There are two AMODE values:

  • AMODE(24) indicates 24-bit (three-byte) addressing - memory below the line.
  • AMODE(31) indicates 31-bit addressing - memory above and below the line.

This product supports values of 24 and 31 for AMODE, since it emulates both types of addressing by mapping mainframe-style above and below the line addresses to real 32-bit PC memory addresses. An AMODE (24) program can only access memory below the line, while an AMODE(31) program can access memory both below and above the line.

Additional directives
Type here any additional directives that apply during the link phase.
Rename output to alias name
Use this command to create an alias for the executable file that you are building. The alias is created in the entry point mapping file, mfentmap.dat.
Residency mode
Also know as RMODE. Indicates the memory requirements of an Assembler program. RMODE indicates where the program must be located when it is loaded for execution.

There are two RMODE values:

  • RMODE(24) indicates that the program must be loaded into memory below the line.
  • RMODE(31) indicates that the program can be loaded either below or above the line.
Linker output
Specify what type of load module is to be produced, an executable code file or a data table.
Build settings
A read-only field that shows all directives that will be applied during the linking phase.
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