The SERVERS definitions describe both application servers and target servers. Target server definitions provide an ID label and the LU 6.2 parameters needed to contact the server using SNA LU 6.2 protocols. The ID label is used in some client configurations to select a specific target server.
Application servers define address spaces that can be started and controlled by Mainframe Access server. The definition provides a JCL procedure name that can be used to start the address space, a server program name, values that govern the number of address spaces that can be started, etc.
If you will be using CICS Option or IMS Option, you must edit the Mainframe Access sample target server definitions located in member SERVERS to customize them for your system. The application server and target server definitions for the Mainframe Access Data Connect server will need to be edited only if you have changed the JCL procedure name or the VTAM APPL ACBNAME, or if the default logmode name cannot be used. All parameters for one target server should be grouped together following the <…ID…> assignment that starts the definition. The <END> statement is used to end each target server definition. All parameters for one application server should be grouped together following the <ASGROUP…> assignment that starts the definition. The <END> statement is used to end each application server definition.
The sample definitions for target servers that you will not be using can be left as they are and they will not affect the operation of Mainframe Access with target servers that you have customized. For example, if you are not using CICS Option you can leave the sample CICS target server definitions unchanged in the SERVERS member; or you can change each line of the unused definitions to a comment by inserting an asterisk in column 1; or you can delete them altogether.
The sample server definitions are provided here as a convenient reference while you read. Lines that begin with an asterisk are treated as comments and are skipped in processing.
*--------------------------------------------------------------------* * * * Micro Focus Mainframe Access - Server Definitions * * * * For minimum customization during installation you should review * * the following parameters and change them to suit your * * installation, if necessary. These customizations will allow you * * to complete the installation and perform basic installation * * verification testing. These minimum customizations are also * * sufficient to enable testing of MFA and MFE SQL Option client * * functions. * * * * ASPROC=MFAS update if you changed the name of the MFAS sample * * JCL procedure for the MFA Data Connect server * * * * ASPROC=MFAAS update if you changed the name of the MFAAS * * sample JCL procedure for the Application Servers. * * * * LUNAME=MFA62ACB update if you changed sample MFAVTAM. * * This name must match the name in the MFAVTAM * * definition and the startup parameter value on * * the MFAS PROC statement. * * * * Additional customization and/or setup work is required to enable * * the use of other product functions. After installation * * verification testing, refer to the product documentation to * * continue with customization for these additional functions: * * * * MFE CICS Option * * MFE IMS Option * * ES/MTO * * * * Change Log * * * * * * ChangeID Description * * -------- -------------------------------------------------------- * * WS06 New server definition - Two ES/MTO server samples added * *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * Application Server address space definitions * *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * * Mainframe Access Server (Data Connect) address space * <ASGROUP=MFAS> ASPROC=MFAS ASJOB=* ASSERVER=MFARSC00 ASMINIMUM=1 ASMAXIMUM=1 ASGROUPID=0 <END> * * Mainframe Access Application Server(s) for Endevor * <ASGROUP=ENDV> ASPROC=MFAAS ASJOB=MFAE ASSERVER=DACALL ASMINIMUM=0 ASMAXIMUM=2 ASGROUPID=0 <END> * * Mainframe Access Application Server(s) for CG processing * <ASGROUP=CGMQ> ASPROC=MFAAS ASJOB=MFAC ASSERVER=DACALL ASMINIMUM=0 ASMAXIMUM=2 ASGROUPID=0 <END> * *-------------------------------------------------------------------- * MFA Data Connect server - only one DEFAULT server is supported *-------------------------------------------------------------------- * <MFAID=DEFAULT> LUNAME=MFA62ACB TPNAME=FILESHR2 MODENAME=#INTER SYNCLEVEL=1 SECURITY=NONE <END> * *-------------------------------------------------------------------- * Sample IMS servers - multiple servers may be defined *-------------------------------------------------------------------- * <IMSID=IMSA> LUNAME=IMSSYSA TPNAME=MFDBTP6 MODENAME=IBMRDB SYNCLEVEL=0 SECURITY=NONE <END> * <IMSID=DEFAULT> LUNAME=IMSTEST TPNAME=MFDBTP6 MODENAME=IBMRDB SYNCLEVEL=0 SECURITY=NONE <END> * *-------------------------------------------------------------------- * Sample CICS servers - multiple servers may be defined *-------------------------------------------------------------------- * <MCOID=CICA> LUNAME=CICSSYSA TPNAME=* MODENAME=#INTER SYNCLEVEL=0 SECURITY=NONE <END> * <MCOID=DEFAULT> LUNAME=CICSTEST TPNAME=* MODENAME=#INTER SYNCLEVEL=0 SECURITY=NONE <END> * *-------------------------------------------------------------------- * Sample ES/MTO servers - multiple servers may be defined *-------------------------------------------------------------------- * <ES/MTOID=MTO1> ACBNAME=MFAMTO1 IPADDRESS=YOUR.MTO.HOSTNAME PORT=2200 SESSIONS=4 SOCKETS=1 <END> * <ES/MTOID=MTO2> ACBNAME=MFAMTO2 IPADDRESS= PORT=3300 SESSIONS=4 SOCKETS=1 <END> * *-------------------------------------------------------------------- * Sample CG MQ OTMA queue defintions - multiple queues may be defined *-------------------------------------------------------------------- * <CGMQOTMA=MYQ1> QMANAGER=QMG1 QUEUE=MESSAGE.QUEUE.NUMBER1 ASGROUP=CGMQ WAIT=4 <END> * <CGMQOTMA=MYQ2> QMANAGER=QMG2 QUEUE=MESSAGE.QUEUE.NUMBER2 ASGROUP=CGMQ WAIT=4 <END> *