There are two types of configuration tasks that you must complete before you can start and use Mainframe Access. These are:
The process of configuring Mainframe Access is separated into two distinct procedures; Quick Configuration and Advanced Configuration Activities.
Quick configuration is performed using the UpQuick instructions as indicated during the CD installation process. These configuration steps must be completed for all installations. Quick configuration takes care of all of the z/OS customizations and many basic Mainframe Access customizations. This quick configuration is the only mainframe Mainframe Access setup required for Mainframe Access Drag and Drop, SQL Option for DB2, Mainframe Access Web Administration and basic Mainframe Access Data Connect server functions.
Additional setup is required if you will be using Mainframe Access Data Connect server and you need to use the file name mapping table and/or alter the processing in the SAF security exits. Additional setup is also required if you will be using Remote IMS, CICS Option, IMS support, ES/MSS support, Mainframe Access's access list checking, Mainframe Access's audit log, and/or Mainframe Access's support for external library management systems. The section on advanced configuration describes these additional customizations.
If you have completed the installation process, including the UpQuick configuration steps, and if you are not going to use features that require additional setup, your configuration is complete.
If you have uploaded and restored the Mainframe Access data sets but you have not completed the UpQuick configuration, you should begin with Quick Configuration.
If you have completed the configuration and testing of your basic Mainframe Access server and you need to customize for an advanced feature, you should continue at Advanced Configuration Activities.