Not Supported in this Release
- Parameters specific to another transport, e.g. "aaiservice"
- cblksize greater than 2KB, eblksize or ublksize greater than 1KB, or dblksize greater than 64KB. Contact Micro Focus Support if you need a larger area for your application.
- Server error program (srverrprog)
- Maximum transmission size (maxtrans); this is not required for Client/Server Binding with Enterprise Server
- Cross-tier architecture and the "Use an existing Dialog System program as the server" feature (midconfig and srvtier)
- Screen type (scrntype)
- Server animation (srvanim); use Dynamic Debugging instead. Note, with Dynamic Debugging you need to
use the J2EE tab of the Start Animating dialog to specify service details. The service name that you will specify is the service that runs your server program. The default service for Client/Server Binding is MFCLISRV.
- Asynchronous requests
- The server manager (mfcsmgr) utility; use MFDS instead
- Server overrides and Server-Controlled File Management (using mfcsmgr)
- Client overrides (mfcsovrd.cfg)