The Client/Server Binding imposes very few limitations, but you should be aware of the following issues.
- You can run the Client/Server Binding modules in
.int or
.gnt format. In addition, on UNIX platforms, the Client/Server Binding modules can be linked with a user-written application program to create an executable object.
- When using CCI, the maximum number of clients that each server will support is 300. The number of clients may be limited by the capabilities of the server, the network protocol or the performance requirements of your end-users. On UNIX, for example, the limit is set by the number of sub-processes that can be spawned by
mfserver. When a user logs onto a UNIX machine, he is assigned a unique process-id which can support a limited number of sub-processes. When clients connect via the Client/Server Binding, they all become sub-processes of the base server. Of course, you can get around this limitation by altering the number of sub-processes permitted, or by running multiple base servers. If your UNIX machine is configured to support many hundreds of direct login users, the Client/Server Binding running on the same machine should support the same number of clients once the sub-process limit issue has been resolved.
- The Client/Server Binding has no recovery facilities. If the network goes down, data will be lost. Both ends of the connection will be aware of the failure and the information will be logged but that is all. The same is true of any RTS errors that cause termination of the user programs at either end of a connection. The Client/Server Binding does not provide anything more than the standard RTS in this regard.
- You cannot use Client/Server Binding with CCI direct connection for TCP/IP.