Listed below are all of the possible entries for the mfclisrv.cfg configuration file. Entries are listed in alphabetical order. Any entries which you do not specify in your configuration file assume the default values.
aaiservice=name | PIC X(128) [default: MFCLISRV] Name of the AAI Service to connect to when using Csbind with AAI. This is the logical service name entry in the AAI administration system. |
cblksize=nnnn | PIC X(4) COMP-X [default: 0] Size of Dialog System control block. For use with Dialog System only. |
clierrprog=name | PIC X(128) [default: none] Name of the program which will handle communication errors instead of mfclient. You can enter a name of SAME to use the calling program to handle any mfclient errors. This parameter is not supported with AAI. |
commsapi=api | PIC X(4) [default: CCI] The communications API; valid values are CCI, AAI or NONE. The special entry NONE can be used when developing two tier applications to allow testing to be undertaken on a single PC without any communications products. Data is passed directly between mfclient and the user-written server program, bypassing mfserver and the communications requirement. |
compress=nnn | PIC 9(3) [default: 000] The number of the compression routine to be used, for example, 001 indicates that routine CBLDC001 will be used. Setting this parameter to 0 indicates that data compression will not be used. |
dblksize=nnnn | PIC X(4) COMP-X [default: 0] The size of the user data area used to pass data between the user-written client and server programs. For Dialog System applications this will be the size of the Dialog System datablock. Unpredictable results can occur if this entry is less than the actual size of the data area being used.
eblksize=nnnn | PIC X(4) COMP-X [default: 0] The size of the optional Dialog System Event block. This parameter is not supported with AAI. |
machinename=name | PIC X(34) The name of the machine on which the server specified in the servername entry is located. This prevents the system searching for the first match of the defined name. This parameter is not supported with AAI. |
maxtimeout=nnnn | PIC X(4) COMP-5 [default: 0] Limits the number of timeouts before mfclient gives up trying to connect to the server. The default value of 0 means no limit; that is, keep trying until the connection succeeds. |
maxtrans=nn | PIC 99 [default: 0] The maximum transfer package size in Kilobytes. Setting maxtrans to 0 causes CSBIND to use an in-built maximum size. This is larger than 62k. If the total buffer size exceeds this amount, the system will make multiple transfers of maxtrans size until the total buffer is transferred. This parameter is not supported with AAI. |
midconfig=filename | PIC X(128) [default: none] The name of the configuration file to be used by mfclient when called by mfserver as part of a cross-tier solution. Specifying this entry causes mfserver to act as a router passing data to a local mfclient module. This mfclient module uses this configuration file to locate and communicate with another server. This allows protocols and communications APIs to be changed across the machines used. This parameter is not supported with AAI. |
protocol=protocol | PIC X(8) [default: CCITC32] The CCI protocol to be used. This entry is only applicable if commsapi is set to CCI. You can specify any of the supported CCI protocols: Novell IPX (enter CCIIX32), NetBEUI (enter CCINB32), Dynamic Data Exchange (enter CCIDE32) or TCP/IP (enter CCITC32). Note that if commsapi is set to CCI (which is the default) and you do not specify a protocol, the Client/Server Binding defaults to TCP/IP (CCITC32). This parameter is not supported with AAI. |
scrntype=type | PIC X(4) [default: none] If, for example, the user program supports both GUI and character interfaces this entry can be used as an indicator to tell the client program which type of interface is being used. scrntype is not validated by the Client/Server Binding modules. This parameter is not supported with AAI. |
servername=server | PIC X(14) [default: MFCLISRV] The servername to be used for communications. This parameter is not supported with AAI. |
setenv=namevalue | PIC X(148) [default: none] Environment variable to be set on the server before the execution of any server programs. The format is: variable name PIC X(20) variable value PIC X(128) The name and value fields must be separated by at least one space character. Up to nine setenv entries can be specified. This parameter is not supported with AAI. |
srvanim=x | PIC X(16) [default: N] Y or N. Setting this parameter to Y enables debugging of the user programs running on the server. This means that mfserver does not have to be stopped and restarted with COBSW=+A as this is set up dynamically. On UNIX systems only, you can specify a value of x,filename to enable cross-session debugging of your programs. See the section Debugging your Application for more details. This parameter is not supported with AAI. |
srverrprog=name | PIC X(128) [default: none] Name of the program which will handle communication errors instead of mfserver. You can enter a name of SAME to use the name set in the srvprog entry for mfserver errors. This parameter is not supported with AAI. |
srvprog=name | PIC X(128) Name of the user-written program to be called by mfserver. |
srvtier=name | PIC X(128) [default: mfserver] The name of the server tier program. When specified, it indicates that mfserver will be called by this program. This parameter is not supported with AAI. |
subserver=base-name | PIC X(14) [default: none] The base-name to be used for communicating with sub-server processes. The default server-name is mfclisrv and sub-servers are named mfclisrv00001,mfclisrv00002 and so on. Setting this parameter to newserv results in sub-server names of newserv00001, newserv00002 and so on. This enables application-specific sub-server names to be used without changing the base server name. This parameter is not supported with AAI. |
timeout=nnnn | PIC X(4) COMP-5 [default: 120 secs) You can use this parameter to override the system timeout default. The timeout period is specified in 1/10 (tenths) of a second. Previously issued calls retain the timeout period that was in use when they were originally invoked. This parameter is not supported with AAI. |
ublksize=nnnn | PIC X(4) COMP-X [default: 0] Size of optional user data block. |
useraudit=x | PIC X [default: N] Y or N. Setting this parameter to Y results in the logging of client connect and disconnect details. When set, the following details are logged by both client and server: date, time, connect/disconnect indicator, servername, machinename, and protocol. These details are written to the system log file, see Creating Audit Trails and System Log File below. |