For CICS screen-based service interfaces, you can use two special COBOL fields, USER ID and PASSWORD, to map to input interface fields. The purpose of these two fields is to control access to your application by collecting the user ID and password when you want to verify users before granting authorization to access the application.
You enable the run-time functionality for USER ID and PASSWORD by editing the merncntl.igc file, found in the %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Micro Focus\Studio Enterprise Edition x.x\base\cntlfiles folder, as follows:
% if not &defined(&cntl-security-on) % * &cntl-security-on = "yes" % &cntl-security-on = "no" % end
% * &cntl-security-on = "yes"
So that it reads:
% &cntl-security-on = "yes"
% &cntl-security-on = "no"
So that it reads:
% * &cntl-security-on = "no"
This changes the security setting from the default of no to yes, so that user IDs are validated against those defined in the Enterprise Server System Name Table (SNT).