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Run a JCL Job

Important: If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer's Enhanced Security Configuration feature you must disable it before following this procedure. For example:
  1. Close all instances of Internet Explorer.
  2. Select Start > Administrative Tools > Server Manager. If a User Account Control dialog box appears, click Continue.
  3. Under Security Summary, choose Configure IE ESC.
  4. Make sure both Administrators and Users are not selected.
  5. Click OK.

Now that your Fileshare server server1 and your enterprise server FSDEMO are both running, we will run a simple JCL jobstream to verify that new datasets are created correctly and that everything is working.

  1. We will run iefbr14.jcl, supplied in the directory Examples\Studio Enterprise Edition IDE\ESFS\ESFS. For convenience, copy it to c:\fsdir.
  2. Because you used the casstart command to start FSDEMO, you can submit the JCL from the Studio Enterprise Edition command line. In your c:\fsdir directory, enter:

    cassub -rFSDEMO -jc:\fsdir\iefbr14.jcl

    If you had started FSDEMO via ES Admin, you would have had to submit the JCL using the JES Control page in ESMAC.

    The job is parsed and then waits for a batch initiator to run it.

  3. In ES Admin, click Details in the Current Status column of FSDEMO, and then click ES Monitor and Control.
  4. With JES selected in the Resources dropdown list, click Control to display the JES Control page.
  5. Type A in the Classes field and click Start to start a class A initiator.

    The JCL job runs.

  6. Click Spool to display the JES Spool page and click the Output radio button. You should see something similar to the following:

    Output Queue

  7. Put a check mark by the "DMFBR14" line and click Display to display the details for the DMFBR14 jobstream, as follows:

    Jobstream Details

  8. Click Details next to the SYSLOG.

    You should see something similiar to the following. Note how the Physical File field is qualified using the Fileshare server name.

    SYSLOG Details

  9. Click Display.

    You should see the joblog displayed below. The PC filenames have now been resolved to be qualified by the Fileshare server name. ($$SERVER1).

    Job log

  10. Now click Back and then click Catalog to display the JES Catalog page. The click Details by the entry for the newly created dataset DMF.TEST.DSN.

    Catalog Entry for Created Dataset

You have now verified that everything is configured and working.

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