We next configure this enterprise server to send all I/O requests for all datasets accessed by applications running in it to the Fileshare server.
- On the ES Admin home page, click
Edit next to FSDEMO.
- Click the
MSS tab and make sure the check box "Mainframe Subsystem Support enabled is checked. Click
- Click the
JES tab.
Select the checkbox
Job Entry Subsystem enabled.
- In the four fields on this page, you enter filenames and paths as described in the chapter
JCL Walkthrough:
- In the
JES Program Path,
System Catalog and
System Procedure Library fields, enter the usual values for your installation. (If you want to use the values used in the chapter
JCL Walkthrough, they are in the section
Configuring Program Paths in that chapter.)
- In the Default Allocated Dataset Location field, you use the
$$ format to specify the name of the Fileshare server to use, followed by the name of the subdirectory you created above. Type:
- Click
- Click
- You now need to start FSDEMO. You will find steps in the next section more convenient if you start it from the command line rather than from ES Admin. So, in your application command prompt, enter:
casstart /rFSDEMO