You start the Fileshare server from an application command prompt, in the directory where you want the files it manages to reside. We'll call this the Fileshare directory. When you later configure your enterprise server, you can specify subdirectories of this directory for particular files.
You start it using the command:
start fs /s fs-server-name
or, if you want tracing:
start fs /s fs-server-name /tr f
A Fileshare console window opens. If you specified /tr f, the trace is written to this window and also to a file called fsscreen.lst in your Fileshare directory. You should normally delete fsscreen.lst before starting a Fileshare server, or your new trace output will be concatenated to whatever is currently in the file, which can be confusing when trying to track down problems.
You can turn tracing on or off while Fileshare is running, by pressing F2.
You should not normally use tr f in production, as it has a detrimental effect on performance.
Be sure to start your Fileshare server before your enterprise server, so that the Fileshare server is available right from the start to service any I/O requests the enterprise server may send.
To close the Fileshare server, press Esc in the Fileshare console window. You would normally do this only after stopping your enterprise server.