The spool house keeping program, MVSP0027, can be called in batch from a user-written program run by JCL.
To do this, you must write your program to assign the fields as indicated by the instructions in copybook spoolhk.cpy, found in %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Micro Focus\Studio Enterprise Edition x.x\base\source , and call MVSP0027. For example:
Example JCL to call your program
Example program to invoke housekeeping
000100 IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. 000300 PROGRAM-ID. MFSPHK01. 003100*************************************************************** 004600 ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. 004700 input-output section. file-control. select infile assign to ifile organization is sequential file status is status-codei. select outfile assign to ofile organization is sequential file status is status-codeo. DATA DIVISION. file section. fd infile. 01 inrec pic x(80). fd outfile. 01 outrec pic x(120). WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 01 status-codei pic xx. 01 status-codeo pic xx. 01 ws-message pic x(120). 01 spool-hk-settings. copy spoolhk.cpy. 01 ws-mvsp0027-rc pic xx comp-5. 01 ws-mvsp0027-reason pic xx. 01 disp-num pic 99. PROCEDURE DIVISION. ***************************************************************** * * ***************************************************************** 0000-MAINLINE-MODULE. move 0 to ws-mvsp0027-rc call 'mvsp0027' using spool-hk-settings ws-mvsp0027-rc ws-mvsp0027-reason move spaces to ws-message evaluate ws-mvsp0027-rc when 0 string 'SPOOL CLEAN-UP ENDED NORMALLY' delimited by size ' maximum retain period is ' delimited by size ws-keep-for delimited by size ' days. ' delimited by size into ws-message when 4 string 'SPOOL CLEAN-UP ENDED, ' delimited by size ' empty CASSPOOL/MVSSPOOL ' delimited by size ' maximum retain period is ' delimited by size ws-keep-for delimited by size ' days. ' delimited by size into ws-message when other move ws-mvsp0027-rc to disp-num string 'SPOOL clean-up failed RC = ' delimited by size disp-num delimited by size ' reason code = ' delimited by size ws-mvsp0027-reason delimited by size into ws-message end-evaluate display ws-message upon console goback. FILE-INPUT SECTION. perform open-infile perform read-infile PERFORM UNTIL status-codei NOT = '00' *> populate mvsp0027 parms perform read-infile end-perform . open-infile section. open input infile if status-codei = '00' continue else move 12 to return-code goback end-if . read-infile section. read infile evaluate status-codei when '00' when '10' continue when other move 16 to return-code goback end-evaluate .