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Importing Transactions

The transaction import facility enables you to extract IMS transactions from an IMS stage 1 file downloaded from the mainframe, and automatically add the transactions to your IMS project. Importing transactions is a process with two steps:

  1. The stage 1 file is read and all the transaction definitions are extracted into another file, known as a transaction file. Note that the stage 1 file never contains any transaction definitions for DLI programs as these are batch programs that run outside the IMS region.

    To create a transaction file from a stage 1 file enter the following command:

    mfims stage1ext stage1file transactionfile


    stage1file is the stage 1 file downloaded from the mainframe.
    transactionfile is the transaction file to be created to contain the transaction and printer definitions needed to subsequently import into Enterprise Server. This is a flat text file, so you can edit it to remove any definitions that are not needed for the application to run under Enterprise Server.
  2. The transaction file from the first step is read and transaction definitions are added to the IMSGEN2.DAT file in the current directory.

    To import transaction defintions from a transaction file enter the following command from an application command prompt:

    mfims stage1imp transactionfile [ADDREPL] [DELEXIST]


    transactionfile is the transaction file created by step 1.
    ADDREPL specifies that you want to add new transactions and replace existing transactions. If you do not specify ADDREPL, new transactions are added but existing transactions are left unchanged.
    DELEXIST specifies that you want to delete all the existing transaction definitions in the IMSGEN2.DAT file before any are imported.
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