If your deployed EJB does not work, check the following things:
- Have you stopped and restarted the application server? Sometimes this is required to pick up changes to deployments and configuration. Whenever you reboot the WebLogic machine, you also need to restart the WebLogic server from the Start menu.
- Is the enterprise server you require running?
- Are the required services deployed to the enterprise server? Were they deployed successfully? You can check this by looking in the Enterprise Server Administration console,
http://locahost:86, in
deploy\...\deploylog.txt and
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Micro Focus\Net Express x.x\WORKAREA
\esname\console.log, where
esname is your enterprise server name, such as ESDEMO.
- Was any information written to the resource adapter log file
cobcon.log? This log file is located in the directory defined in your Java system's user.home property. This directory equates by default to your user profile directory. If there wasn't any information written to the log file, the failure occurred before the resource adapter was invoked. The failure might lie in the application server setup. Notice that there are backup log files
cobcon1.log and
- Was any information written to the communications server log file
log.html? See the section
Communications Server Log Files in the
Troubleshooting chapter.
- When you generated your EJB using the Deploy tool, did you use the J2EE connector classes specific to your application server? For example, you must use
WebLogic.jar for WebLogic EJB generation and
j2ee.jar for WebSphere EJB generation. You specify these classes in the Classpath settings of the Deploy tool.
- Is the JNDI name of the resource adapter set to
eis/MFCobol_v1.0? Is this JNDI name mapped to the resource references of the EJB.
- Is the JNDI name for each EJB the same wherever it is referred to? When you assign a JNDI name to an EJB, any client or other software that uses that EJB must use that same JNDI name.
- Are the EJB and the resource adapter successfully deployed in your application server?
- What failures are recorded in your application server's log files? All the supported application servers have a
logs subdirectory.