You need to specify the directories and other details needed for the Enterprise Server to find deployed programs. To do this:
Field | Value to enter: | Details |
JES Program Path | c:\tutorials\jcl\bin\x86\Debug | Path for the directory containing executable files to be run by your JCL jobs. This is the path to the build output folder of your project that contains the .dll files. For debugging, the .idy and .cbl files are used. |
System Catalog | c:\tutorials\jcl\catalog\catalog.dat | Path and name of the system catalog. This is a file that holds the details of data files, their attributes and locations. |
Default Allocated Dataset Location | c:\tutorials\jcl\catalog\datasets | The default path for the directory where new data sets are to be created, if you do not specify a directory. |
System Procedure Library | SYS1.PROCLIB | Set of cataloged PDS data set names that will be searched to resolve JCL procedure names. |