Micro Focus Studio Enterprise Edition Test Server
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Micro Focus BMS Screen Painter
BMS Painter Compile Messages
Lists the BMS Painter compile messages from BMSCH1041E through BMSCH1060I.
BMSCH1041E A bad token, token-name, was encountered before processing DFHMDI
BMSCH1042S End of file encountered before end of DFHMDI processing
BMSCH1043E Duplicate DFHMDI label label, skipping map
BMSCH1044W COPY not supported
BMSCH1045E Invalid hex value value specified for operand operand of macro-name macro
BMSCH1046E DFHMDF label (label) too long - truncating to label
BMSCH1047E Duplicate DFHMDF label label, skipping field
BMSCH1048W Single quote found in INITIAL string
BMSCH1049W Single ampersand found in INITIAL string
BMSCH1050W Truncating PARTN name from name to name
BMSCH1051W Unrecognized operand operand found processing macro-name macro
BMSCH1052W DSATTS option-name option specified, assuming corresponding MAPATTS for macro-name macro
BMSCH1053S Out of memory, allocating new item
BMSCH1054S End of file encountered before end of DFHMDF processing
BMSCH1055E Error (value) occurred verifying name at position value of name
The picture clause specified in the PICIN/PICOUT statement was determined to be illegal.
BMSCH1056E Hex string string is not even length, ignoring last character
BMSCH1057E DFHMDI label (label) too long - truncating to label
BMSCH1058W Fields starting at bottom right corner of map cannot have ATTRB=IC - ignoring option
BMSCH1059E Error interpreting SDF information - continuing with SDF support disabled
SDF features are enabled for the file but an unexpected error occurred processing the comment fields preceding the DFHMDF macros. The file may not contain valid SDF information or may be in a format not recognized by the screen painter.
BMSCH1060I BMS source load complete, interpreting SDF information
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BMS Painter Compile Messages
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Micro Focus BMS Screen Painter
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BMSCH1040W DFHMSD label mismatch - original (label), ending (label)
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BMSCH1041E A bad token, token-name, was encountered before processing DFHMDI