Micro Focus Studio Enterprise Edition Test Server
Configuration and Administration
Enterprise Server Reference
Error Messages
Directory Server Error Messages
Messages 21 to 40
Directory Server Error Messages 21 to 40
MDS0021E Minimum page size is 5 entries
You entered an invalid minimum page size for the journal.
MDS0022E Minimum journal size is 32 KB
You entered an invalid minimum journal size for the journal.
MDS0023E Insufficient memory for this operation
There was insufficient computer memory for this operation to succeed.
MDS0024E Password mismatch
Password mismatch.
MDS0025E Confirmation password mismatch
The confirmation password does not match the password you first entered.
MDS0026E Old password required
Old password required.
MDS0027E New password required
You have not specified a password when creating a new user.
MDS0028E Invalid characters in password
Invalid characters in password.
MDS0029E Selected object does not exist
You tried to edit an object that another user has just deleted.
MDS0030W Some or all objects not copied: see journal for details
You tried to copy a server but the Directory Server was unable to copy all objects related to the server.
MDS0031E Maximum port value is 65535
You entered a port value in an endpoint that exceeds 65535.
MDS0032E Object could not be added
There was an error adding the object. See journal for more details of the error.
MDS0035E Minimum object limit is 64
You tried to reduce the limit for the maximum number of objects below 64, which is not allowed.
MDS0036E Maximum object limit is 9999
You tried to reduce the limit for the maximum number of objects above 9999, which is not allowed.
MDS0037E Operation would breach the configured object limit
This action has been rejected because to perform it would mean increasing the number of objects in the repository above the maximum object count.
MDS0038E Minimum object limit is smaller than the current number of objects
You tried to reduce the maximum object count to less than the current number of registered objects.
Parent topic:
Directory Server Error Messages