COMPUTE Statement
Assigns to one or more data items the value of an arithmetic expression.
CONTINUE Statement
The CONTINUE statement is a no operation statement, indicating that no executable statement is present.
DECLARE Statement
Declares one or more local variables within the procedure division body. The scope of any inline local variable is from the point of declaration until the end of the innermost containing block, where paragraphs, sections and the whole method are considered to be blocks.
DIVIDE Statement
Divides one numeric data item into others and sets the values of data items equal to the quotient and remainder.
EVALUATE Statement
Describes a multi-branch, multi-join structure, which can evaluate multiple conditions. The subsequent action of the run-time element depends on the results of these evaluations.
EXIT Statement
Causes an exit from a perform loop, method or iterator.
MOVE Statement
Transfers data to one or more data areas.
MULTIPLY Statement
Multiplies numeric data items and sets the values of data items equal to the results.
PERFORM Statement
Controls execution of a statement block in the scope of the PERFORM statement. This statement can also process each element of an array or collection.
SET Statement
Can set the size of an array; initialize the contents of an array and set the size accordingly; and set the value of a data item or a boolean data item.
SUBTRACT Statement
Subtracts one, or the sum of two or more, numeric data items from one or more items, and set the values of one or more items equal to the results.
SYNC Statement
Marks a statement block as a critical section by obtaining the mutual-exclusion lock for a given object, executing a block of statements, and then releasing the lock.
TRY Statement
The TRY...CATCH...FINALLY...END-TRY structure is the basis for structured exception handling. The TRY block allows you to test a section of code for exceptions that may occur during its execution. The CATCH block must specify the type of exception you wish to handle if one should occur during the execution of the TRY block. The FINALLY block allows you to execute a section of code following the TRY block, whether or not an exception occurred.