To uninstall the product, you cannot simply delete its files from your hard disk. To uninstall the product:
- Log in with the same user-ID as you used when you installed the product.
- Click
Uninstall a program under
Programs (or
Add/Remove Programs on older versions of Windows)
Control Panel.
- On older versions of Windows such as Windows XP, ensure that
Show Updates (at the top of the Add or Remove Programs dialog) is checked, so that any hot fixes or WrapPacks are listed.
- On versions of Windows Vista and later, click
View installed updates in the left-hand pane.
- Select the product and click
Remove or
Uninstall, respectively.
When you uninstall, the only files deleted are those that the installation software installed. If the product directory has not been removed, delete any unwanted files and subdirectories within it using Windows Explorer.
Note: When you installed, three separate items were created on the Start menu: Micro Focus Open PL/I 8.1, Micro Focus Studio Enterprise Edition 6.0, and Micro Focus License Management System.
Some registry entries are not removed by the uninstallation process and you need to manually delete them. These registry entries are for event logging and are created at run time, as follows:
- SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog
- Micro Focus Server[<SERVER_NAME>] with the following entries:
- CategoryCount
- CategoryMessageFile
- EventMessageFile
- TypesSupported
In addition, the following registry entries are not removed. These are created the first time that an Enterprise Server that has been enabled for performance monitoring starts up:
- Micro Focus Server\Performance\Active Servers
- Micro Focus Server\Performance\PerfIniFile