Customize member PARMS in the CNTL data set. These are the Mainframe Access server initialization parameters referenced by the Mainframe Access started task JCL.
Use the ISPF Rchange command to change HLQ to your qualifier ( hlq ) in the WEB_ROOT=HLQ.WEBROOT parameter. This parameter specifies the prefix for data sets used by the Mainframe Access web server feature.
Change TCP_PORT=2020 to TCP_PORT= clientport . This is the port number that Micro Focus client software should be configured to use.
Change ADMIN_PORT=2021 to ADMIN_PORT= adminport . This is the port number that a web browser should use to access Web Administration.
Change NETWORK ID=DDINET1 to NETWORK ID= netid , the VTAM SNA network id of your system.
If you are using CA TCPaccess, change TCPACCESS=NO to TCPACCESS=YES to select Mainframe Access server's interface to TCPaccess.