The following table lists important configuration data that you will need to know in order to complete the quick configuration. Review these items and determine the appropriate values before you proceed with customization.
userid | TSO user ID that can update proclib , update vtamlst , update RACF, and issue z/OS system commands through SDSF. Alternatively, the cooperation of individuals with the appropriate authorities. |
hlq | High level qualifier that was given to all Mainframe Access data sets when the FRESTORE job was run. |
clientport | A TCP/IP port number on the mainframe that you will reserve for Mainframe Access and client connections. |
adminport | A TCP/IP port number on the mainframe that you will reserve for Mainframe Access Web Administration connections from web browsers. |
stcuserid | RACF user ID that you want to associate with the Mainframe Access started tasks |
stcgroup | RACF group ID that you want to associate with the Mainframe Access started tasks. |
tcpdata | Data set name of the IBM TCP/IP "TCPIP.DATA" data set that provides configuration information to programs that use TCP/IP. This data set is not need if you are using CA TCPaccess. |
proclib | Data set name of a system procedure library. |
vtamlst | Data set name of the active VTAMLST definitions data set. |
netid | VTAM SNA network id used on your system. See NETID= in the active ATCSTRxx vtamlst member. |
loadvolser | DASD volume serial number of the volume containing the Mainframe Access load module libraries and the SAS/C runtime library. FRESTORE allocated and built these libraries. |