You can import any of the items displayed in the mainframe list as follows: place the mouse pointer over the item, single click and hold down the left hand mouse button, drag the mouse pointer over to the appropriate target location in the workstation window and release the mouse button. If you are dragging to the workstation, and hover the drag over a directory, then the directory will be automatically opened or closed for you.
You can drag any of the following:
When a VSAM file is dragged to the workstation, Drag and Drop automatically builds the appropriate profile using the mainframe ACB and RPL information, and calls the Micro Focus DFCONV program to convert the dragged file to the proper Micro Focus format.
When an IMS unloaded database is dragged to the workstation, Drag and Drop automatically calls the Micro Focus IMS option, if it exists, to build the workstation version of the database. The mainframe input file, is a sequential variable length file, that has been created by either the Micro Focus IMS unload utility, or any other 3rd party unload utility. You must use the right-hand mouse context menu to set the type of this sequential file to an unloaded IMS database prior to dragging it over to the workstation. Refer to the Micro Focus IMS option for more information.
When a DB2 unloaded table is dragged to the workstation, Drag and Drop automatically calls the Micro Focus SQL option for DB2, if it exists, to build the workstation version of the table. The table must exist and the SQLWizard must be available on the path. The mainframe input file, is a sequential file, that has been created by a standard DSNTIAUL DB2 unload utility. You must use the right-hand mouse context menu to set the type of this sequential file to an unloaded DB2 table prior to dragging it over to the workstation. You must drag the file into a sub-directory, and not a .TAB file. Refer to the Micro Focus SQL option for DB2 for more information.
If you import an individual file or member and you have turned on the configuration option scan imported members for copy statements, the imported member is checked for a variety of copy type statements in the COBOL, PL/I, and 370 assembler languages. If the scan detects the presence of copy statements, an additional dialog box is displayed enabling you to import the copy statements from one or more partitioned data sets or source code control systems, separated by commas.