COBSQL error messages can be displayed in different languages depending on the setting of the LANG environment variable.
Most database clients include some NLS capability but their requirements for the setting of the LANG environment variable differ from those of this COBOL system. We recommend, therefore, that you use the alternative environment variable, COBLANG, which only affects this COBOL system, allowing the LANG environment variable to be used by the database client.
For COBLANG to work correctly, mflangnn.lbr, where nn is the setting of COBLANG, must be available in your %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Micro Focus\Studio Enterprise Edition x.x\base\bin directory. For example, if COBLANG=05 (UK NLS messages), the file mflang05.lbr must be available.
The COBSQL error message file cobsql.lng has been translated into a number of different languages and can be found with the COBOL NLS message files. If there is not an error message cobsql.lng for the current setting of LANG, then the default error message file is used.