Main File Compare/Merge

The main File Compare/Merge window is displayed using menu commands in the client, and it opens in a separate window enabling you to do the following:

  • Compare the contents of a local file with the tip revision stored in the StarTeam repository. You can also edit the contents of the local file from within the File Compare/Merge window, and save the changes for check-in.
  • Compare two revisions of a file listed on the History view tab in the StarTeam Eclipse Plugin application window. Editing the content of historical revisions is not allowed.
  • Merge the contents of a local file with the tip revision in the StarTeam repository. The merge results are stored locally, and the file status is changed to Modified in StarTeam so you can check in the file.
  • Edit the temporary local copy of a repository revision and save it as a file with a different name.

The main File Compare/Merge gives you the option of viewing a third pane for displaying the merge results. You can edit the contents in the third pane and save your merged results.

You can start File Compare/Merge using context menus on selected files in the StarTeam Eclipse Plugin, or by checking in an older version of a file which causes a merge situation.