File Compare/Merge

File Compare/Merge is a graphical file and folder comparison and merge tool delivered with StarTeam. It enables you to compare the contents of two files or folders, and manually or automatically merge the contents. The File Compare/Merge panes highlight differences using a configurable color scheme, and dynamic action buttons display in the highlighted areas to simplify the merging process.

There are three versions of File Compare/Merge, and how you start File Compare/Merge determines which features are available. The ability to edit text files in a File Compare/Merge pane depends on which version of File Compare/ Merge you are using, and what type of files you are comparing and merging.

Tip: In File Preferences, you can specify File Compare/Merge as the alternate compare/merge utility to use instead of the default tool.

The following list describes editing capabilities in each version of File Compare/Merge.

File Compare/Merge Version Capability
Main File Compare/Merge Edit a local file, a merged base file, and a copy of a repository revision.
Embedded File Compare/Merge No editing is possible.
Standalone File Compare Merge Edit all files being compared and merged.
Note: You cannot edit the actual historical revision of a file in the StarTeam repository.