Marking Items Read or Unread

Change requests, requirements, tasks, and topics that you have not read display in boldface type if you are the user responsible for the item, or if you are the recipient of the topic. After you have reviewed the item properties, the boldface type is replaced by regular type.

To reread all the items on a certain subject, it is sometimes convenient to mark all of the items unread to ensure that you do not miss any. You can also mark an entire requirement, task, or topic tree as unread.

  1. Select a folder from the folder tree or in the upper pane on the Folder tab.
  2. Click the Change Request, Requirement, Task, or Topic tab.
  3. Select one or more items that you want to make bold (unread) or not bold (read).
  4. Right-click the selected items and choose Mark As Unread or Mark As Read.

    The items are marked as specified, and the type style changes accordingly.