StarTeam Cross-Platform Client
Welcome to StarTeam
StarTeam Basics
Testing and Reporting Overview
Tour of the UI
Logging on to and off of a Server
Accessing Projects and Items
Configuring Your Client
User-Defined Property Fields
View Configuration and Management
References Overview
Folders and Items
Overview of Folders and Paths
Adding Folders to Views
Setting Folder Component Access Rights
Creating a Working Folder
Opening a Local Folder
Changing a View's Default and Alternate Working Folders
Changing Name or Description of Folders and Items
Displaying Historical Properties
Comparing Properties
Comparing Historical Properties
Comparing Properties of Two Non-file Items
Configuring (Rolling Back) Folders and Items
Deleting Folders and Items
Displaying Item Details
Displaying Location References
Emailing Item Properties
Finding Items
Floating Items
Hiding Folders and Files
Highlighting Items of Interest
Linking Items Internally or Externally
Locking and Unlocking Items
Marking Items Read or Unread
Moving Folders or Items
Restoring Folder Selection on Tab Change
Selecting Referenced Items in Other Views
Sharing Folders or Items
Viewing or Modifying Item Properties
Granting Item-Level Access Rights
Links: Internal and External
Change Requests
Check-in and Check-out Operations
Process Items and Process Rules
View Compare/Merge (VCM)
View Compare/Merge Terminology
Full Change Package Rollback
VCM Commit with Full History
VCM Content Differences Display
VCM Process Item and Attached Revisions
VCM Skip Multiple Revisions
Access Rights Required for StarTeam View Compare/Merge Users
View Compare/Merge Session Perspectives
Specifying the Initial Perspective for a View Compare/Merge Session
View Compare/Merge Session Filters
Lifecycle Scenarios in View Compare/Merge
Merge Types, Rules, and Scenarios
Tips for Successful Sessions
View Compare/Merge Actions
Conditions for Action Decisions
View Compare/Merge Table of Action Decisions
Understanding View Compare/Merge Difference Types
How View Compare/Merge Handles Target Folders with Floating Shares
View Compare/Merge Process
Finding and Breaking Locks on Items with Differences
Skipping a Revision in VCM
Fast (Optimized) Full Scope View Compare/Merge
Comparing a Source and Target File in View Compare/Merge
Comparing Selected Items in the Source and Target View
Comparing a Target File with the Proposed Merge Results
Scoping a Session with a Process Item in a Different View
Merging Changes Between Any Two Related Views (Replicate)
Merging Changes from a Child View to a Parent View (Promote)
Merging Changes from a Parent View to a Child View (Rebase)
Using Process Items to Merge Related Files
Resolving File Differences from a View Compare/Merge Session
Committing View Compare/Merge Change Session
Exporting a View Compare/Merge Session
Opening a Saved or Exported View Compare/Merge Session
Restarting a View Compare/Merge Session
Viewing and Printing a View Compare/Merge Session Summary
Deleting a View Compare/Merge Session
Changing the Default Merge Type Options and Actions
Changing the View Compare/Merge Session Working Folder
Changing View Compare/Merge Perspectives
Cloning a New View Compare/Merge Merge Type From One Server Configuration to Another
Filtering Items in a View Compare/Merge Session
Running View Compare/Merge from the Command-line
Setting Locking Options for a View Compare/Merge Session
Versioning Object Properties
Change Packages in View Compare/Merge
Promotion States
Personal Options
Audit Log