Cloning a New View Compare/Merge Merge Type From One Server Configuration to Another

This procedure describes how to clone a newly created View Compare/Merge merge type from one server configuration to another.

  1. Use the Server Administration tool to create the merge type completely for one server configuration, then click Save.
  2. On the second server configuration, use the Server Administration tool to create the merge type by name only, based on the same View Compare/Merge default merge type, such as Default.

    Click Save.

  3. Use the Server Administration tool to specify which projects use the new merge type and click Save.
  4. From the StarFlow Extensions project on the first server configuration, check out StarFlow Extensions/Projects/custom.vcm.xml,
  5. Copy the information between <customVCMType name=...> and </customVCMType> for this merge type and save it to the clipboard or another file.
  6. From the StarFlow Extensions project on the second server configuration, check out StarFlow Extensions/Projects/custom.vcm.xml,
  7. Replace the information between <customVCMType name=...> and </customVCMType> in this file with the information you saved to the clipboard or file.
  8. Save the file and check it in.
Note: Cloning information from one custom.vcm.xml to another is slightly different. It assumes that you have a custom.vcm.xml in both servers and can paste the sections about merge types from one to the other. However, the XML files also contain information about the project and view structures for each server configuration and this information cannot be cloned. If you simply check the custom.vcm.xml from server configuration’s StarFlow Extensions project into another server configuration’s StarFlow Extensions project, you get error messages when you run View Compare/Merge.