Note: This scenario is stored within your
Silk Performer installation. You can access it at
<public user documents>\Silk Performer21.0\SampleApps\DOTNET\Message Sample\NetExplorer_TestingWebService.
Silk Performer and create a new project.
Load the WSDL from the Web service:
Invoke the
login method using
User1 and
Pass1 as input values.
You can also use random variables or global variables mapped to attributes (see
.NET Explorer Help for details).
Send a message with some text from
Logout the current user and login as
User2 (username:
User2; password:
GetMessageCount and store the result in a variable called
GetMessage with the message count variable as input.
You will receive the last message that was sent.
Add the remaining logout method call.
Execute an animated run.
The failed verification can be ignored (or you can remove the default verification of the
GetMessageCount call).
Export a
Silk Performer .NET project or a Visual Studio .NET project (exported projects can be found at
<public user documents>\Silk Performer21.0\SampleApps\DOTNET\Message Sample\NetExplorerExportedProject).
Execute a Try Script run via
Silk Performer or Visual Studio .NET.
Explore the TrueLog.
You will see a node for each Web service call.