WebTcpipRecvUntil Function Retrieves a response from the remote host until the pattern sPattern is found.
WebTcpipRecvProtoEx Function Like the WebTcpipRecvProto function, but with the additional possibility to verify a fixed portion of the tcp packet (by specifying its starting position
and length), and two additional parameters to define the performed packet-length calculation (multiplication and addition).
WebTcpipRecvUntilIdle Function Receives data from a connection until the connection remains idle for a specified period of time.
WebTcpipSelect Function Checks if a subsequent WebTcpipRecv operation on the provided connection handle will block, or succeed immediately.
WebTcpipSend Function Sends a string to the remote host. Before WebTcpipSend can be used, a valid connection has to be established with WebTcpipConnect.
WebTcpipSetPacketBoundary Function Sets a packet boundary for an existing connection and is used to split in-coming and out-going data when using WebTcpipRecvPackets and WebTcpipSendPacket functions.