Performs a secure handshake on an open connection. This function can be used if some insecure communication has to be done before the connection should turn into a secure connection (e.g. secure traffic over a http proxy).
WebTcpipSSLHandshake( in hWeb : number ): boolean;
true if the function succeeds.
false otherwise.
Parameter | Description |
hWeb | Valid handle to a Web connection that was created by WebTcpipConnect. |
dcltrans transaction TMain var hWeb : number; sResponse : string; nRecvd : number; begin WebTcpipConnect(hWeb, "proxy", 8080); WebTcpipSend(hWeb, "CONNECT lab3:443\r\n\r\n"); WebTcpipRecvUntil(hWeb, sResponse, STRING_COMPLETE, nRecvd, WEB_CRLFCRLF); WebTcpipSSLHandshake(hWeb); WebTcpipSend(hWeb, "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"); WebTcpipRecvClose(hWeb); WebTcpipShutdown(hWeb); end TMain;