Binds a place holder in a SQL statement or PL/SQL block to a program variable. The variable is accessible through the OraSet and OraGet functions. The place holder is identified by the name or the number declared in the SQL statement or PL/SQL block. The functions listed below are used to assign values to the program variable that is bound to the specified place holder:
This function serves to bind place holders in SQL statements or PL/SQL blocks to both scalar and array variables. In addition, it can be used to bind place holders to be used in piecewise operations. The function must be called after parsing the SQL statement or PL/SQL block and before calling the OraSet function.
OraBind( in cCursor : cursor, in sSqlVar : string, in nDatatype : number optional, in nSize : number optional, in nArraySize : number optional, in nBindOption : number optional): boolean;
true if successful
false otherwise. In this case, you can use the OraOciError function to retrieve the Oracle OCI error code
Parameter | Description |
cCursor | Cursor associated with a database connection |
sSqlVar | Name of the place holder in the SQL statement or PL/SQL block. This parameter must include the preceding colon identifying it as a place holder |
nDatatype |
Oracle external data type of the program variable (optional). Oracle converts the program variable from external to internal format when the variable is sent to the database and vice versa when it is retrieved from the database. See Oracle data types for a list of data types The default data type is SQLT_STR (null-terminated string) |
nSize |
Size of the program variable or the array element in bytes (optional). Since this function needs to be called only once for many different values on successive OraExec function calls, this parameter must contain the maximum size of the element to bind. This parameter should be omitted for data types of fixed length (SQLT_NUM, SQLT_INT, SQLT_FLT, SQLT_VNU, SQLT_RID, SQLT_DAT, SQLT_UIN, SQLT_CUR). For string data types (SQLT_STR, SQLT_CHR, SQLT_LNG, SQLT_AFC, SQLT_AVC) omitting this parameter is possible when omitting the nArraySize parameter, too. When performing piecewise binding of the variable to the place holder, this parameter specifies the piece size |
nArraySize |
Maximum number of array elements to bind (optional). The default option is scalar binding. When performing piecewise binding of the variable to the place holder, this parameter specifies the maximum column size |
nBindOption |
Specifies how to bind the place holder (optional). The following are the possible options for binding a place holder:
A place holder in a SQL statement consists of a colon (:) followed by a SQL identifier. The place holder is not a test script variable. For example, the following SQL statement contains two place holders, :min_age and :max_age.
SELECT name, ageFROM personsWHERE age >= :min_age AND age <= :max_age;
It is also possible to define place holders that consist of a colon followed by a literal integer between 1 and 255.
The following SQL statement contains two place holders, :1 and :2.
SELECT name, age
FROM persons
WHERE age >= :1 AND age <= :2;
var hConnection : number; cCursor : cursor; dcltrans transaction TMain var nAge : number; sName : string; begin OraLogon(hConnection, "user", "password", "orclnet2"); OraOpen(cCursor, hConnection); OraParse(cCursor, sqlSelect); OraBind(cCursor, ":1", SQLT_INT); OraSetInt(cCursor, ":1", 25); OraDefine(cCursor, 1, SQLT_CHR, 32); OraDefine(cCursor, 2, SQLT_INT); OraExec(cCursor); while OraFetch(cCursor) do sName := OraGetString(cCursor, "1"); nAge:= OraGetInt(cCursor, "2"); write(sName, 32); write(nAge, 5); writeln; end; OraClose(cCursor); OraLogoff(hConnection); end TMain; dclsql sqlSelect: SELECT * FROM persons WHERE age > :1;
Howard 33Michael 44Bobby 61Sara 38
var hConnection : number; cCursor : cursor; dcltrans transaction TMain begin OraLogon(hConnection, "user", "password", "orclnet2"); OraOpen(cCursor, hConnection); OraParse(cCursor, sqlInsert); // bind array containing two elements OraBind(cCursor, ":name", SQLT_CHR, 32, 2); OraBind(cCursor, ":age", SQLT_INT, 0, 2); // set values OraSetString(cCursor, ":name", "Bob", 1); OraSetInt(cCursor, ":age", 25, 1); OraSetString(cCursor, ":name", "Marcy", 2); OraSetInt(cCursor, ":age", 33, 2); OraExec(cCursor, 2); OraClose(cCursor); OraLogoff(hConnection); end TMain; dclsql sqlInsert: INSERT INTO persons (name, age) VALUES (:name, :age);
var hConnection : number; cCursor : cursor; dcltrans transaction TMain begin OraLogon(hConnection, "user", "password", "orclnet2"); OraOpen(cCursor, hConnection); OraParse(cCursor, sqlInsert); OraBind(cCursor, ":name", SQLT_STR, 32); OraBind(cCursor, ":data", SQLT_LBI, 4096, 64000, ORA_PIECEWISE); OraSetString(cCursor, ":name", "Sunset"); OraSetPieces(cCursor, ":data", "TestData.dat"); OraExec(cCursor); OraClose(cCursor); OraLogoff(hConnection); end TMain; dclsql sqlInsert: INSERT INTO images (name, data) VALUES (:name, :data);
var hConnection : number; cCursor : number; dcltrans transaction TMain begin OraLogon(hConnection, "user", "password", "orclnet2"); OraOpen(cCursor, hConnection); OraParse(cCursor, sqlProcedureWithPLSQLTable); OraBind(cCursor, ":num", SQLT_INT); OraBind(cCursor, ":description", SQLT_STR, 20, 3, ORA_PLSQLTABLE_INOUT); OraSetInt(cCursor, ":num", 5); OraSetString(cCursor, ":description", "Frammis_1", 1); OraSetString(cCursor, ":description", "Frammis_2", 2); OraSetString(cCursor, ":description", "Frammis_3", 3); OraExec(cCursor); OraClose(cCursor); OraLogoff(hConnection); end TMain; dclsql sqlProcedureWithPLSQLTable: [BEGIN update_parts.add_parts(:num, :description); END;]
In this example, the parameter nBindOption specifies the option for binding the place holder. ORA_PLSQLTABLE_INOUT binds a PL/SQL table used as a parameter in a stored procedure with inout direction. The maximum length of a bind element is set to 20, the maximum number of array elements that can be sent/retrieved is set to 3.
OraArrayFetch.bdf, OraSample.bdf, OraLoadPers.bdf
Wrapped Oracle function: obndrn, obndrv, obndra, obindps, ogetpi, osetpi